Sunday, December 4

"I am a Solitary child"

              "Am I Lucky??? or Not??" ...

.....Being an only child can be either GOOD or BAD, depending on how you perceive it and how you are brought up by your parents....hehehe Am I right?!!!..
The merits could be that, you get the undivided love and attention of your parents.....
They would dote on you more and provide for you more ,.... in terms of getting you stuff, toys, etc..blahh..blahhh... Obviously, being an only child means that your parents have only YOU to spend the money on and not have to share it among other siblings. So, I'd get more toys than normal, more money to spend than normal, more inheritance than normal, and of course more love from my parents than normal..... So, in that sense, being the only child can be termed as a good thing...But I don't like this kind of life..I;m probing for something that is lacking in my life. .charr but serious..!!hehehe It;s Because I don't want to grow up as a selfish adult,...never...never....never...I don't want to be a self-centered prson..  since that I am the only child I might  lack in the ability to empathize with others as much as children with siblings...When I have to live in the real world and face real problems, I might not be able to cope with it. I may lack of self-confidence to go out in the world and get things done for myself. I might feel lost outside of the cocoon that their parents created for them. Being an only child is very lonely. .huhu.. :-(...Because I  miss the fun of growing up with a brother or sister...
I:m sure, there would be lots of single, lonely people out there, who were the only child in their families, who would have wished they had a brother or sister growing up....
Don;t cha worry... just look a loyal and true friends that you can make as your sister and brother...
just like me.. I have lots of amazing friends that can change my road of life.... see..!!! hahaha bonggae

No other than but me:

LHOURIEFEL A. PINILI   :-)                  

God Bless Everyone
Thank you for wasting your time reading this post of mine...hehehe

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